Present: From GENIE Afro Gardiner Robert Marco Experiment liaisons MicrobooNE SBN Nova (kirk) Other Joshua Barrow ---------------------------- Reports GENIE report - focus on status for v.3.2.0 - We mentioned the issue with the very Off-Shell initial nucleon - Addition of the Event Library - only Dark Neutrino code needs to go in. - coming review for Minoo's single pion was mentioned Roundtable - None of the experiments reported anything particular - Nova mentioned that if that including Minoo's model in v3.2.0 will cause a lot of delay, it is not worth it. yet the model is desirable. AoB - There is still the LarSoft problem with Nuance code to be fixed (not our side), a number of students are reporting back to us, even recently and Robert already has a proposed solution but testers had ghosted him.