Present: From GENIE Robert Marco Costas Xianguo John Plows Experiment liaisons SBN Nova (kirk) JUNO Other ---------------------------- Reports GENIE report - welcome to JUNO liaison JUNO presentation - Few points about versions to be used - A few things were a bit stuck: - Issue 226 about flux direction dependence. New test ideas shall be tried, Marco will send an email to relevant people - Dexitation development waiting for theory understanding Roundtable - SBN: deciding what is the next base model. Possibilities include DUNE configurations. Part of the DUNE developments will migrate into GENIE configurations anyway. - NOvA: In contact with Robert to have a bunch of simulation test to be carried out for the next productions. Configurations to be tested: - SuSAv2 - G18_10a_02_11b tune - Minerva tune from the last GENIE nuclear tune paper - one of the new FSI - usage of the Correlated Fermi Gas the result of the study would be of interest for all the users, so Kirk was asked to give a talk on their finding when they think they were ready. AoB - nothing