Genie Document 1-v2

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GENIE Collaboration Bylaws

Document #:
Document type:
Other Document
Submitted by:
Costas Andreopoulos
Updated by:
Costas Andreopoulos
Document Created:
07 Mar 2018, 18:30
Contents Revised:
07 Mar 2018, 18:32
Metadata Revised:
07 Mar 2018, 18:32
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This document aims to formalize the mission of the GENIE Collaboration and provide a formal framework for its governance. All GENIE collaborators, and our users, recognise the importance of GENIE throughout the lifecycle of every experiment (from conception and design till the final publication) and, thus, agree to collaborate in a constructive manner, beyond the language of this document, for the ultimate success of the GENIE project so that it can serve the needs of the world neutrino programme.
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