Genie Document 2-v7

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GENIE Physics and User Manual

Document #:
Document type:
Journal Publication
Submitted by:
Costas Andreopoulos
Updated by:
Costas Andreopoulos
Document Created:
13 Mar 2018, 17:03
Contents Revised:
07 Feb 2022, 17:23
Metadata Revised:
28 Jun 2023, 18:44
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  • Public document
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Other Versions:
14 Nov 2019, 15:17
19 Jun 2019, 10:31
31 Aug 2018, 16:02
23 Apr 2018, 14:29
15 Mar 2018, 18:54
13 Mar 2018, 17:03
GENIE is a suite of products for the experimental neutrino physics community. This suite includes i) a modern software framework for implementing neutrino event generators, a state-of-the-art comprehensive physics model and tools to support neutrino interaction simulation for realistic experimental setups (aka the Generator), ii) extensive archives of neutrino, charged-lepton and hadron scattering data and software to produce a comprehensive set of data/MC comparisons (aka the Comparisons), and iii) a generator tuning framework and fitting applications (aka the Tuning). These products come with different licenses. The Generator is an open-source product, whereas the Comparisons and the Tuning products are, currently, not available for public release . This book provides the definite guide for GENIE: It presents the software architecture and a detailed description of its physics model and official tunes.
Notes and Changes:
A read-only version of the most up to date document can be found in Overleaf:
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