Genie Document 297-v3

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Review of Smith-Monitz model update. A proposal to improve framework

Document #:
Document type:
Technical Note
Submitted by:
Igor Kakorin
Updated by:
Igor Kakorin
Document Created:
08 Apr 2022, 12:42
Contents Revised:
09 Jul 2023, 22:03
Metadata Revised:
10 Jul 2023, 11:10
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The presentation covers two main issues:
1. An update of the Smith-Monitz model to more natural simulation of the initial nucleon kinematic.
2. A suggestion for a few improvements to the GENIE framework that came up while working on the first point:
- rearrangement of the class CacheBranchFx;
- introducing a new artificial channel, so-called Normalization channel;
- fixing the previously reported issue of extending the energy range beyond the user defined in the class GMCJDriver.
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